Basic Sample of Research Dissertation Template

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  1. Abstract Title page
  2. Abstract
  3. Title Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
    1. Background
      1. Summarize literature from your prospectus, annotated bibliography and articles you found in this course that points to a gap in the research that is worthy of further study
    1. Research Problem
      1. State the research problem in terms of the gap in the research literature
      1. Frame the problem in terms of how further research could be of benefit
    1. Purpose Statement
      1. Use the template to present your statement that includes
        1. Target group/individual/organization/event of interest
        1. Phenomenon of interest
        1. Terminology that indicates the approach to be used
    1. Research Questions
    1. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
      1. Present the framework that you have revised from your prospectus
  6. Chapter 2: Research Plan
    1. Research Design: Choice of  Approach
      1. Describe the Phenomenon of Interest
      1. Description of Approach
      1. Rationale for Chosen Approach
    1. Role of the Researcher
      1. Reveal any personal and professional relationships you have with the participants
      1. State how biases will be managed
    1. Participant Selection
      1. Describe the target group of interest
      1. Describe the sampling strategy and ideal sample size (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
      1. Describe the criterion for sample selection (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
      1. Describe how participants were be contacted and invited for this effort
    1. Instrumentation
      1. The Interview Guide
        1. Describe the basis for development (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions)
        1. Describe efforts to insure content validity and credibility
      1. Describe other data sources (e.g., journal, notes, video)
        1. Describe how and how
    1. Procedures for Data Collection.
      1. Please include a narrative of
        1. Where/how the data were collected
        1. Duration of data collection events
        1. How data were recorded
        1. How the participants were debriefed
        1. Ethical procedures to protect the participants during the recruiting, data collection and debriefing process.
    1.  Data Analysis Plan
      1. Repeat the purpose and research question
      1. Describe the plan that best fits the chosen approach
      1. Describe examples of codes and categories you developed
      1. Describe considerations for choosing QDA software
    1. Issues of Trustworthiness
      1. For each dimension of trustworthiness describe (a) what you did [if anything]; and (b) what other strategies could be considered if this was your dissertation
      1. Credibility
      1. Transferability
      1. Dependability
      1. Confirmability
  7. Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections
    1. Introduction
      1. Restate research purpose and question
    1. Reflection on Social Change
      1. Discuss the relevance of your proposed research to Walden’s mission of social change
    1. Reflection on Course Learning
      1. Reflect on what was learned about conducting qualitative research
    1. Next Steps
      1. Consider your next steps in preparation for the dissertation
  8. References