Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Application: Exposing the Gaps—How Does the United States Compare in Key Determinants of Health?

            As many people said, addressing the quality of care in today’s era of health reform is neither a top-down nor bottom-up method.  This is because successful implementation of any health care reform law will be contingent on the ability of all partaking parties ( ie. federal government, the states, health care payers, hospitals, […]

Canada Healthcare System, What Works vs. United States—Healthcare Viewpoints

Population health is an important concept of describing the health outcomes of a group of people in each area of locality (Improving Population Health, n.d.). The concept is equally significant in assessing the Canadian health outcomes within different communities, and subgroups of individuals. There are many factors that can affect equal distribution of health within […]

Health care related duty to warn. A discussion of the Learned Intermediary doctrine.

Healthcare professionals should warn patients of the adverse effects of surgery, the used of medical equipment, prescription drugs and other related dangers that will harm and affect the functionality of the patient. Healthcare related duty to warn can be applied to manufacturers and producers of food and medicine products and/or medical equipment, with negative effects […]

Confidence on the termination factor in on-going nursing evaluation of patient condition and response to medication, and the possible institutional liability for substitution of less qualified individuals for provision of care.

The confidence on the termination factor in on-going nursing evaluation of patient condition is two folds. Failure to follow applicable nursing procedures and protocols, which could result in patient injuries and possible institutional liability. Failure to also follow hospital policies and procedures could result in a successful lawsuit against the hospital facility, in care of […]

Underlying Ethical and Legal Principles Involved with sexual activity involving provider/patient and employee/employer

Healthcare organizations, providers, employers, are always expected to ethically and legally follow set of rules and procedures in making sure they practice the right practice of medicine in providing quality care for the patients. Healthcare professionals are required to observe to the prevalent standards of care required within their professions. For example, a nurse’s sexual […]

Medical and legal dangers of failing to record information and of altering/falsifying clinical records.

Falsification of medical records is a felony. If you falsify a client’s records, the court will require you to give an explanation for this offense. When found guilty of this offense by deliberately altering or falsifying the records, the court will consequently grant punitive damages. The medical and legal dangers for failing to record information […]

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)

It could be true that for some, either undocumented or documented, this is the only or one of the only ways to receive treatment for various health-related conditions. However, I think health reform is a small part in the bigger context of U.S. immigration policy, which lacks a basis to implement specific health policies like individual […]

Different Methods of Payment to Healthcare Providers

There are different forms or methods of payment to healthcare providers. A third-party payment is a system whereby healthcare agent(s) contracts with providers to pay for the medical care of patients. Second-party payment, according to Nowicki (2011), is a payment structure whereby healthcare payment is made from the person receiving the medical services. One example […]

The Two Adaptive Mice; Describe an Environmental Control System

Adaptive technology makes it possible for people with disabilities to exercise control over their home and work environments.  Wheelchairs for example, are developed that not only help move people around, but also climb stairs and allow them to reach a high shelf. Evoluent Vertical Mouse 2 is a standard horizontal mouse requires your forearm to […]

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