Gender-Interventions and Cultural Competence

These gender-specific interventions will focus on educating more men about the important of cultural competence. It will also focus on a community-wide expansion of understanding what the set of likeminded conducts, approaches and policies are that come together in a scheme or specialization, and enable that structure or agency to work effectively in cross-cultural circumstances. One of the ways of socially responding to cultural competence is through a continuum practice. Henrich, Boyd & Richardson (2008), described how it is important to adopt continuum process. The five points along the continuum of cultural competence range from cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness, and cultural pre-competence to progressive cultural competence (College of Direct Support, 2004).

College of Direct Support. (2004). The Cultural Competence Continuum. Retrieved from

Henrich, J., Boyd, R., & Richerson, P. J. (2008). Five misunderstandings about cultural evolution. Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective, 19(2), 119-137.