May is the Employee Health & Fitness Month. Global Employee Health & Fitness Month (GEHFM) is an international observance of health and fitness in the workplace. The goal of GEHFM is to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to employers and their employees through worksite health promotion activities and environments.

At the HWG, even with the prevalence of COVID-19, our vision is that one day everyone will be physically active, and they will live, WORK, and play in environments that facilitate regular physical activity. The CEO Pledge for physical activity is our global initiative to encourage every CEO to recognize physical activity as an important driver of employee health and business performance.

During Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, show support for workplace wellness and take the CEO Pledge for Physical Activity. Encourage your organization to create an active working environment and provide opportunities for its employees to be active throughout the workday.

Spread the word! Share this post with your social networks using this sample message: Take the @hospitalswithoutgaps CEO pledge to celebrate Global Employee Health & Fitness Month. Learn more: www.hospitalswithoutgaps.org